Enquiry Hotline: (852)8339 8339
Name of the street and street number (provisional): 18 Che Kung Miu Road
District: Sha Tin

The sale of all specified residential properties mentioned in the documents containing information on sales arrangements of THE PAVILIA FARM I has been suspended.

The photographs, images, drawings or sketches shown in this advertisement/ promotional material represent an artist's impression of the development concerned only. They are not drawn to scale and/or may have been edited and processed with computerized imaging techniques. Prospective purchasers should make reference to the sales brochure for details of the development. The vendor also advises prospective purchasers to conduct an on-site visit for a better understanding of the development site, its surrounding environment and the public facilities nearby.

#The address of the website designated by the vendor for the Phase for the purposes of Part 2 of the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance.

Name of the Development: THE PAVILIA FARM. Name of the Phase of the Development: The name of Phase 1 of the Development is “THE PAVILIA FARM I” (“the Phase”). The residential portion of THE PAVILIA FARM I comprises Tower 2 (2A&2B) and Tower 3 (3A&3B).Vendor: MTR Corporation Limited (as “Owner”), Lucrative Venture Limited (as “Person so engaged”)(Note: “Owner” means the legal or beneficial owner of the residential properties in the Phase and “Person so engaged” means the person who is engaged by the owner to co-ordinate and supervise the process of designing, planning, constructing, fitting out, completing and marketing the Phase). Holding company of the Owner (MTR Corporation Limited): Not applicable. Holding company of the Person so engaged (Lucrative Venture Limited): New World Development Company Limited. The authorized person for the Phase and the firm or corporation of which the authorized person is a proprietor, director or employee in his or her professional capacity: Mr. Leung Kit-Man Andy of Ronald Lu & Partners (Hong Kong) Limited. Building contractor for the Phase: Hip Seng Construction Company Limited. The firms of solicitors acting for the Owner in relation to the sale of residential properties in the Phase: Deacons, Mayer Brown, Kao, Lee & Yip. Any authorized institution that has made a loan, or has undertaken to provide finance, for the construction of the Phase: Not applicable. Any other person who has made a loan for the construction of the Phase: New World Finance Company Limited.

This website is published by the Person so engaged with the consent of the Owner. To the best of the vendor’s knowledge, the estimated material date for the Phase is 30 September 2022 (Material date means the date on which the conditions of the land grant are complied with in respect of the Phase. The estimated material date is subject to any extension of time that is permitted under the agreement for sale and purchase). Prospective purchaser is advised to refer to the sales brochure for any information on the Phase. Please refer to the sales brochure for details.

This website and all its contents are for reference only, which do not constitute and shall not be construed as constituting any express or implied offer, representation, undertaking or warranty by the vendor (whether related to view or not).

Date of last update:

The animation is not produced based on the Phase or its surrounding environment and is not related to the Phase.

Phase I 第一期The Pavilia Farm 柏傲莊 LIVE BEYOND WELL


Holding company of the vendor
("Person so engaged"):
Vendor ("Owner"):
Name of the street and street number (provisional): 18 Che Kung Miu RoadDistrict: Sha Tin

CONTACTHotline: (852)8339 8339Email: sales@nwd.com.hk

The sale of all specified residential properties mentioned in the documents containing information on sales arrangements of THE PAVILIA FARM I has been suspended.

The photographs, images, drawings or sketches shown in this advertisement/ promotional material represent an artist's impression of the development concerned only. They are not drawn to scale and/or may have been edited and processed with computerized imaging techniques. Prospective purchasers should make reference to the sales brochure for details of the development. The vendor also advises prospective purchasers to conduct an on-site visit for a better understanding of the development site, its surrounding environment and the public facilities nearby.

#The address of the website designated by the vendor for the Phase for the purposes of Part 2 of the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance.

Name of the Development: THE PAVILIA FARM. Name of the Phase of the Development: The name of Phase 1 of the Development is “THE PAVILIA FARM I” (“the Phase”). The residential portion of THE PAVILIA FARM I comprises Tower 2 (2A&2B) and Tower 3 (3A&3B).Vendor: MTR Corporation Limited (as “Owner”), Lucrative Venture Limited (as “Person so engaged”)(Note: “Owner” means the legal or beneficial owner of the residential properties in the Phase and “Person so engaged” means the person who is engaged by the owner to co-ordinate and supervise the process of designing, planning, constructing, fitting out, completing and marketing the Phase). Holding company of the Owner (MTR Corporation Limited): Not applicable. Holding company of the Person so engaged (Lucrative Venture Limited): New World Development Company Limited. The authorized person for the Phase and the firm or corporation of which the authorized person is a proprietor, director or employee in his or her professional capacity: Mr. Leung Kit-Man Andy of Ronald Lu & Partners (Hong Kong) Limited. Building contractor for the Phase: Hip Seng Construction Company Limited. The firms of solicitors acting for the Owner in relation to the sale of residential properties in the Phase: Deacons, Mayer Brown, Kao, Lee & Yip. Any authorized institution that has made a loan, or has undertaken to provide finance, for the construction of the Phase: Not applicable. Any other person who has made a loan for the construction of the Phase: New World Finance Company Limited.

This website is published by the Person so engaged with the consent of the Owner. To the best of the vendor’s knowledge, the estimated material date for the Phase is 30 September 2022 (Material date means the date on which the conditions of the land grant are complied with in respect of the Phase. The estimated material date is subject to any extension of time that is permitted under the agreement for sale and purchase). Prospective purchaser is advised to refer to the sales brochure for any information on the Phase. Please refer to the sales brochure for details.

This website and all its contents are for reference only, which do not constitute and shall not be construed as constituting any express or implied offer, representation, undertaking or warranty by the vendor (whether related to view or not).

Date of last update:






售價﹕ $13,851,000
售價呎價﹕ $20,891




售價﹕ $10,655,000
售價呎價﹕ $22,060




售價﹕ $7,862,000
售價呎價﹕ $24,416



@上述折扣於價單第1號內之優惠計算得出:1)180天現金優惠付款計劃折扣 ;2)「New World CLUB」會員優惠;3)印花稅優惠 ;及 4)尊尚特選置業優惠。




查詢熱線:(852) 8339 8339
街道名稱及門牌號數 (臨時):車公廟路18號


發展項目名稱:柏傲莊。發展項目期數名稱:發展項目第一期稱為「柏傲莊I」(下稱「期數」)。柏傲莊 I 之住宅部分包括第2座(2A及2B) 及第3座(3A及3B)。賣方:香港鐵路有限公司 (作為“擁有人”)、玨基有限公司 (作為“如此聘用的人”) (備註:“擁有人”指期數中的住宅物業的法律上的擁有人或實益擁有人、“如此聘用的人”指擁有人聘用以統籌和監管期數的設計、規劃、建造、裝置,完成及銷售過程的人士。)。賣方的控權公司 : 擁有人 (香港鐵路有限公司 ) 的控權公司: 不適用。如此聘用的人 (玨基有限公司) 的控權公司: 新世界發展有限公司。期數的認可人士及該認可人士以其專業身份擔任經營人、董事或僱員的商號或法團: 呂元祥建築師事務所(香港)有限公司之梁傑文先生。期數的承建商: 協盛建築有限公司。就期數中的住宅物業的出售而代表擁有人行事的律師事務所: 的近律師行、孖士打律師行、高李葉律師行。已為期數的建造提供貸款或已承諾為該項建造提供融資的認可機構: 不適用。已為期數的建造提供貸款的任何其他人: 新世界金融有限公司。本廣告由如此聘用的人在擁有人的同意下發布。盡賣方所知期數的預計關鍵日期為2022年9月30日(關鍵日期指批地文件的條件就期數而獲符合的日期。預計關鍵日期是受到買賣合約所允許的任何延期所規限的。)。賣方建議準買方參閱有關售樓說明書,以了解期數的資料。本廣告/宣傳資料及其內容僅供參考,並不構成亦不得詮釋成賣方作出任何不論明示或隱含之要約、陳述、承諾或保證(不論是否有關景觀)。印製日期﹕2020年10月9日。

「THE PAVILIA FARM I 柏傲莊 I」展銷廳參觀安排

「THE PAVILIA FARM I 柏傲莊 I」展銷廳將於明日(10/10)起開放給公眾人士參觀,為提供一個舒適及健康的環境,並符合社交距離之規定,展銷廳將於明天及周日,每天均設立三節參觀時段,每節預計可容納約600人。每節參觀時段完結後,展銷廳將場內所有公眾地方進行全面的清潔及消毒,參觀時段詳情如下:

11:00 am - 1:30 pm
2:00 pm - 4:30 pm
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm

- 所有人士必須佩戴口罩
- 不多於4人為一組
- 量度體溫
- 填報電子健康申報表
- 展銷廳提供足夠的消毒洗手液


查詢熱線:(852) 8339 8339
街道名稱及門牌號數 (臨時):車公廟路18號


發展項目名稱:柏傲莊。發展項目期數名稱:發展項目第一期稱為「柏傲莊I」(下稱「期數」)。柏傲莊 I 之住宅部分包括第2座(2A及2B) 及第3座(3A及3B)。賣方:香港鐵路有限公司 (作為“擁有人”)、玨基有限公司 (作為“如此聘用的人”) (備註:“擁有人”指期數中的住宅物業的法律上的擁有人或實益擁有人、“如此聘用的人”指擁有人聘用以統籌和監管期數的設計、規劃、建造、裝置,完成及銷售過程的人士。)。賣方的控權公司 : 擁有人 (香港鐵路有限公司 ) 的控權公司: 不適用。如此聘用的人 (玨基有限公司) 的控權公司: 新世界發展有限公司。期數的認可人士及該認可人士以其專業身份擔任經營人、董事或僱員的商號或法團: 呂元祥建築師事務所(香港)有限公司之梁傑文先生。期數的承建商: 協盛建築有限公司。就期數中的住宅物業的出售而代表擁有人行事的律師事務所: 的近律師行、孖士打律師行、高李葉律師行。已為期數的建造提供貸款或已承諾為該項建造提供融資的認可機構: 不適用。已為期數的建造提供貸款的任何其他人: 新世界金融有限公司。本廣告由如此聘用的人在擁有人的同意下發布。盡賣方所知期數的預計關鍵日期為2022年9月30日(關鍵日期指批地文件的條件就期數而獲符合的日期。預計關鍵日期是受到買賣合約所允許的任何延期所規限的。)。賣方建議準買方參閱有關售樓說明書,以了解期數的資料。本廣告/宣傳資料及其內容僅供參考,並不構成亦不得詮釋成賣方作出任何不論明示或隱含之要約、陳述、承諾或保證(不論是否有關景觀)。印製日期﹕2020年10月9日

「THE PAVILIA FARM I 柏傲莊I」展銷廳參觀安排

柏傲莊 I 展銷廳明日(20/10)起重開

柏傲莊 I 展銷廳及示範單位將於明日(20/10)重新開放予公眾參觀。為提供一個舒適及健康的環境,展銷廳需進行全面的清潔及消毒,今日(19/10)暫停開放一天。

展銷廳及示範單位將由明天(20/10)起,重新開放予公眾參觀。參觀人士必須提早一天於物業官方網站登記預約參觀,成功登記人士於入場時須出示二維碼(QR code)以核實身份。


查詢熱線:(852) 8339 8339
街道名稱及門牌號數 (臨時):車公廟路18號


發展項目名稱:柏傲莊。發展項目期數名稱:發展項目第一期稱為「柏傲莊I」(下稱「期數」)。柏傲莊 I 之住宅部分包括第2座(2A及2B) 及第3座(3A及3B)。賣方:香港鐵路有限公司 (作為“擁有人”)、玨基有限公司 (作為“如此聘用的人”) (備註:“擁有人”指期數中的住宅物業的法律上的擁有人或實益擁有人、“如此聘用的人”指擁有人聘用以統籌和監管期數的設計、規劃、建造、裝置,完成及銷售過程的人士。)。賣方的控權公司 : 擁有人 (香港鐵路有限公司 ) 的控權公司: 不適用。如此聘用的人 (玨基有限公司) 的控權公司: 新世界發展有限公司。期數的認可人士及該認可人士以其專業身份擔任經營人、董事或僱員的商號或法團: 呂元祥建築師事務所(香港)有限公司之梁傑文先生。期數的承建商: 協盛建築有限公司。就期數中的住宅物業的出售而代表擁有人行事的律師事務所: 的近律師行、孖士打律師行、高李葉律師行。已為期數的建造提供貸款或已承諾為該項建造提供融資的認可機構: 不適用。已為期數的建造提供貸款的任何其他人: 新世界金融有限公司。本廣告由如此聘用的人在擁有人的同意下發布。盡賣方所知期數的預計關鍵日期為2022年9月30日(關鍵日期指批地文件的條件就期數而獲符合的日期。預計關鍵日期是受到買賣合約所允許的任何延期所規限的。)。賣方建議準買方參閱有關售樓說明書,以了解期數的資料。本廣告/宣傳資料及其內容僅供參考,並不構成亦不得詮釋成賣方作出任何不論明示或隱含之要約、陳述、承諾或保證(不論是否有關景觀)。印製日期﹕2020年10月19日。

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